Software package implementing a statistical model for regulatory divergence based on transcription factor binding site motifs.
Installation hints: 1. Make sure fortran compiles on your system. If you are using a mac, install gfortran (version 4.8.2 at the time of writing). 2. Installl the GNU scientific library (with headers/includes). On a mac for instance via: 'brew install gsl' (without the single quotes) in a terminal. 3. Install the R-packages motifDiverge depends on:
source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"); biocLite(c('BiocGenerics', 'Biostrings', 'rphast', 'MotifDb', 'IRanges', 'Rcpp', 'RcppGSL', 'RcppArmadillo'))
at the R prompt should do. 4. Install motifDiverge ('R CMD INSTALL motifDiverge_0.4.12.tar.gz' in a terminal).